Guest performance series »DIVERSITY

Curated by Silke Z.

In the guest performance series DIVERSITY, Silke Z. and die metabolisten invite national and international dance productions to ehrenfeldstudios that artistically negotiate the themes of INCLUSION & PARTICIPATION // GENDER & SEXUALITY // RACISM & PRIVILEGE // AGE & VISIBILITY. The topics of the DIVERSITY discourse are explicitly linked in the repertoire here and their visibility is to be made effective in the long term.

Each of the invited guest performances will be accompanied by a duo dance piece by Silke Z. with dancers from the ensemble die metabolisten, thus providing a transgenerative perspective.

#1 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY | CiM – dance Company

The first guest performance of the series DIVERSITY on Inclusion & Participation:

An inclusive dance piece for everyone ages 8 and up in cooperation with programme series QUERFELDEIN.

Human Geography investigates the relationship between people and their environment in different places. In the choreography HUMAN GEOGRAPHY by Ana Rita Barata, the performers enter a space together – their bodies become points of reference for each other as well as for the things and movements in this space. They create a living, constantly changing map of different surfaces, landscapes and territories. How do the bodies and things relate to each other in space? How do they change common territories? HUMAN GEOGRAPHY is the surveying of a space with different bodies that inscribe their traces in the memory of this place.

CiM – dance Company promotes a pioneering approach to artistic creation in the spirit of inclusion through dance and image. The company develops regular training and awareness that focuses on the movement specificities and unique expressiveness of each dancer/performer and promotes a vision of the idea of capacity and boundaries through choreography that reveals diversity as a driving force.

WITH US. Episode 1: Karel (65) meets David (25)
Silke Z. & die metabolisten

Before the performances, Silke Z. & die metabolisten develop an intergenerational dance perspective on the guest performance HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: In Episode 1, Karel (65) and David (25) meet.

Following the performances on June 9, 10 and 11, there will be a workshop with the artists of CiM – Companhia de Dança.


9 & 10 June 2022: Workshop CiM “Dance for All”: for students after the performance
11 June 2022 | 12 am – 2 pm: free Workshop CiM “Dance for All” (all levels, mixed-abled)

Choreography Ana Rita Barata

Artistic advisor  Pedro Sena Nunes
Dancers Bruno Rodrigues, Joana Gomes, Nelson Moniz
Costumes Mafalda Estácio
Sound + light design Pedro Sena Nunes
Production Inês Baptista

The guest performance HUMAN GEOGRAPHY of the series DIVERSITY cooperates with the programme series QUERFELDEIN, which is financed, among others, by the funding for top-level productions (Spitzenförderung) of tanzfuchs PRODUKTION.

#2 SHAME MY NAME | Konnective

The second guest performance of the series DIVERSITY on Gender & Sexuality:

The intermedial performance SHAME MY NAME deals with the affair between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, the nipplegate around Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake and the rape allegations of GNTM contestant Gina-Lisa Lohfink.
Konnective examines the digital shaming of the three women and asks: How were their stories stored in the collective memory and what strategies did the women use to survive the shaming?

What continuities can be found with the history of female humiliation?

Saliha Shagasi, Judith Niggehoff, Sophie Halcour

The guest performance SHAME MY NAME of the series DIVERSITY is supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.

Please note !

The performance deals with the theme of sexualised violence.
At one point there are stroboscopic light effects.

WITH US. Episode 2: Karel (65) meets Annika (19)

Silke Z. & die metabolisten

Before the performances, Silke Z. & die metabolisten present an intergenerational dance perspective on the guest performance SHAME MY NAME: In episode 2, Karel (65) and Annika (19) meet.

#3 FÜHL DIE WELT DURCH MEINE HAUT | Khadidiatou Bangoura

The third guest performance of the series DIVERSITY on Racism & Privilege

The starting point of the piece is a thought experiment: Black people and PoCs, as the dominant social group, do not experience everyday racism, while white people, who do not belong to the dominant social group, experience everyday racism. Connections between everyday racism and structural racism are explored. Through dance & text, an emotional, complementary and low-threshold approach to the academic and theoretical discourse on racism is pursued in order to promote processes of sensibilisation, self-reflection and self-education to actively combat racism.

Khadidiatou Bangoura is a dancer & choreographer with West African roots. Her artistic works include “The heart is a muscle” (2016), “Adult-ish” (2017), “Moving Structures” (2020) and “FÜHL DIE WELT DURCH MEINE HAUT – Observations on everyday racism (2021)”. Through dance, she aims to enable the analysis of our relationships to each other, to ourselves and to our environment, creating new narratives that provoke reflection.

There will be an audience discussion after both performances.

Concept + Choreography: Khadidiatou Bangoura
Dance + Choreography: Khadidiatou Bangoura, Janaina Celina Domingos, Bawelima Dessa Ganda, Mareile Gnep, Joana Kern, Maria Eugenia Lapadula Plà, Emiko Tamura
Assistance: Waithera Schreyeck
Costume design: Douakro Kante
Photography + Stage design: Lorena Spülbeck
Music + Sound editing: Tatiana Heuman

Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.

WITH US. Episode 3: Karel (65) meets Hanna (27)

Silke Z. & die metabolisten

Before the performances Silke Z. & die metabolisten present an intergenerational dance perspective on the guest performance FÜHL DIE WELT DURCH MEINE HAUT: In episode 3 Karel (65) and Hanna (27) meet.

#4 TRIPLE-BILL | Lisa Thomas, Angus Balbernie, Silke Z.

The fourth guest performance of the series DIVERSITY on the theme of Visibility & change of one’s own body

DIVERSITY focuses here on the aesthetic potential of the ageing female and male body, around the visibility and changing of one’s own body. The program includes three short pieces about men and women over 60:


Angus Balbernie from the UK will improvise his show “I like crime shows, mountains and maybe 3 people” on both evenings.

Angus McLean Balbernie directs, choreographs, improvises, teaches and mentors. After around 85 performances, he says today:

“I don’t really enjoy the noise and hype of a lot of performances anymore. I enjoy smaller things in unusual spaces and studios, and work made by the unnoticed, the improvisers, the different and the broken. I enjoy people finding ways to move and compose and share themselves in space simply because they still have too…. That’s probably enough no?”  

When he’s not performing or teaching, he now lives on a hill in Haute Provence, hikes in the mountains and plays the banjo with his left hand – quite badly.

Improvisation + dance: Angus McLean Balbernie Lighting: Beppo Leichenich

More info at: www.angusbalbernie.weebly.com



Lisa Thomas from Stuttgart will also be showing excerpts from her performance “DanceYourSkin”:

Do women have to be young (and naked) to get a place on stage? In her dance performance, 63-year-old dancer and choreographer Lisa Thomas explores the very special artistic and dancing potential of her dancer’s body, which has changed with age. Using dance, photographs and live projections, she introduces us to the world and language of movement of the older body.

“The ageing human body has been at the centre of my work as a dancer, performer and choreographer for over 15 years. […] There are few old professional dancers present and as a consequence we have few collective images of older bodies dancing. I am interested in discovering the potential and beauty of my own 63 year old muscles and skin, e.g. their ability to vibrate, which a young hard body can never do.” (Lisa Thomas, 2023)

Concept/choreography/dance/performance: Lisa Thomas  Additional choreography: Smadar Goshen Photography: Simone Demandt Dramaturgy + video: Sabrina Schray  Text: Sabine Altenburger Stage: Justyna Koeke Costume: Justyna Koeke, Gesine Mahr Production and curation: Birgit Gebhard

More about the project: www.danceyourskin.de

Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR programme, [DIS-TANZEN/ tanz:digital/ DIS-TANZ-START support programme] of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.


Silke Z. and the metabolisten will present the premiere of WITH US. EPISODE 4: KAREL (65) MEETS BETTINA (68) as a prelude to both solo works.

In WITH US. EPISODE 4 by choreographer Silke Z., dancers Karel Vaněk and Bettina Muckenhaupt meet. They embark on an impulsive process of rapprochement in which they explore different versions of themselves and make themselves available to each other with skin and hair. Sometimes explosive, sometimes pleasurable, they peel themselves from one skin into the next and play passionately with their relationship to independence.

Bettina Muckenhaupt and Karel Vaněk have been realising dance performances together with choreographer Silke Z. for many years and are both part of Silke Z.’s intergenerational ensemble “die metabolisten”.

Choreography: Silke Z. in collaboration with Dance: Karel Vaněk, Bettina Muckenhaupt Light: Beppo Leichenich Management: Hanna Held

Supported by the Diversity Fund of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.



Artistic direction: Silke Z.
Management: Caroline Simon, Hanna Held
Administration: Carina Graf
Organisation: Anna Boldt
Press work + public relations: Kerstin Roseman

Supported by the Diversity Fund of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.