OUT SIGHT deals with different worlds of perception and the effect on our communication. How do we perceive ourselves and the world around us when we focus not only on what is visible, but on everything that is available to us?
How important is the gaze and how reliable is the feeling in contact with others? Is one’s own feeling for the world a reliable consultant when it comes to belonging? How do we navigate through a society that places the highest demands on people and chases superlatives?
OUT SIGHT is a performance project in collaboration with the organisation Vo’arte and the inclusive companies CiM/Lisbon and Silke Z from Cologne. A total of seven dancers* work with and without physical characteristics on the theme of perception and discuss the urgent question of society’s demand for perfection. Vo’Arte is an innovative project that promotes creative dialogue and cultural decentralisation to strengthen relationships between communities and cultures. In 2017, it celebrated the tenth anniversary of the CiM – Dance Company, which includes performers with and without physical characteristics.
Photography © Meyer Originals
Premiere March 2019
“In Cologne’s free dance scene you rarely see a choreography in which so much dance commitment and such courage to feel is shown.”
(Kölnische Rundschau)
Silke Z. – in cooperation with company CiM (Lisbon, PT)
Artistic direction/choreography: Silke Z.
In collaboration with the performers: Joana Gomes (PT), João Furtado (PT), Luis Odriozola (ES), Pedro Ribeiro (PT), Florian Patschovsky (DE), Lisa Kirsch (DE), Caroline Simon (BE)
Assistance: Sofia Soares (PT), Bruno Rodrigues (PT)
Organisation: Gabriel Lapas (PT), Daniela Sopala (DE)
Production Management: Ana Rita Barata
Production: CiM Dance Company (PT), Silke Z. in Gemeinschaft (DE)
Coproduced: Associação Vo‘arte, Associação Paralisia Cerebral Lisboa