SHAME MY NAME | Konnective
SHAME MY NAME is the second guest performance in the Diversity series on the theme of gender & sexuality.
The guest performance series curated by Silke Z. in cooperation with Querfeldein will present national and international dance productions over the next two years that deal with the themes of inclusion & participation, gender & sexuality, privilege, appreciation & racism, age, everyday life & visibility. In this format, topics of the diversity discourse are explicitly anchored in the repertoire in order to make their visibility sustainably effective.
The intermedial performance SHAME MY NAME deals with the affair between Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton, the nipplegate around Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake and the rape allegations of GNTM contestant Gina-Lisa Lohfink.
Konnective examines the digital shaming of the three women and asks: How were their stories stored in the collective memory and what strategies did the women use to survive the shaming?
What continuities can be found with the history of female humiliation?
Saliha Shagasi, Judith Niggehoff, Sophie Halcour
supported by the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.
Please note !
The performance deals with the theme of sexualised violence.
At one point there are stroboscopic light effects.
16 September 2022 | 8 pm
17 September 2022 | 8 pm
18 September 2022 | 4 pm and 6:30 pm
16 & 17 September | DIVERSITY: SHAME MY NAME by Konnective + MIT UNS – Episode 2 | Karel (65) & Annika (19) by Silke Z. & die metabolisten
18 September | DIVERSITY: SHAME MY NAME by Konnective
Tickets: Sliding Scale 8-15 euros |
Silke Z. I c/o ehrenfeldstudios
Wissmannstrasse 38, 50823 Köln
0221 222 666 3