Observations on everyday racism Khadidiatou Bangoura & Guests (+AUDIENCE DISCUSSION)
The starting point of the piece is a thought experiment: Black people and PoCs, as the dominant social group, do not experience everyday racism, while white people, who do not belong to the dominant social group, experience everyday racism. Connections between everyday racism and structural racism are explored. Through dance & text, an emotional, complementary and low-threshold approach to the academic and theoretical discourse on racism is pursued in order to promote processes of sensibilisation, self-reflection and self-education to actively combat racism.
Khadidiatou Bangoura is a dancer & choreographer with West African roots. Her artistic works include “The heart is a muscle” (2016), “Adult-ish” (2017), “Moving Structures” (2020) and “FÜHL DIE WELT DURCH MEINE HAUT – Observations on everyday racism (2021)”. Through dance, she aims to enable the analysis of our relationships to each other, to ourselves and to our environment, creating new narratives that provoke reflection.
There will be an audience discussion after both performances.
Concept & Choreography: Khadidiatou Bangoura
Dance & Choreography: Khadidiatou Bangoura, Janaina Celina Domingos, Bawelima Dessa Ganda, Mareile Gnep, Joana Kern, Maria Eugenia Lapadula Plà, Emiko Tamura
Assistance: Waithera Schreyeck
Costume design: Douakro Kante
Photography & Stage design: Lorena Spülbeck
Music & Sound editing: Tatiana Heuman
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR.